Little Indians Summer Academy

This year our Little Indian Summer Academy is Monday through Friday, June 3rd--27th. This summer academy puts emphasis on a range of different topics like academics, enrichment, physical activity, science, and art. During the month students also experience a large variety of special guests and field trips along the way. Our food service also provides breakfast and lunch to our students.

Some of the special guests include:

  • Bobber the Water Dog--Water Safety (Dept. of Corp of Engineers)

  • Kids on the Block Puppet Show --"Accepting Differences"

  • Shane Hollinde-- KY Mesonet and Climate

  • Adair County Library

  • Self Seeds Assembly (Susan Eoff)

  • Dept. of Agriculture --Living Seed Necklace

  • Mark the Magician

  • Farmer Steve

  • September Cardiff--Reading Show

  • Southland Dairy

  • Trish Scott with Adanta

There is also a different theme each week:

  • Week 1 - Around the World

  • Week 2 - When I Grow Up

  • Week 3 - Shark Week

  • Week 4 - Market Week

This academy was funded by the 21st Century Community Learners, Family Resource Center, and our community partners. Special thanks to our director Dana Harmon and our Family Resource Coordinator Heather Dudley. We have the following staff leading this academy: Chad Myers, Lisa Hayes, Tonya Feese, Tabitha Giles, Tara Carter, and Tabitha Coppage.

This year we also have students from the high school assisting us including: Addison Phillips, Kara Jeffries, Kendyl Burton, Lauren Grant, and Mateo Lopez.  FRYSC Coordinator, Hali Anderson, at ACHS is paying these students to assist us this summer for job/work experience. They are a huge help!!

Photos below: Little Indians Summer Academy at ACPC kicked off and our first special guest was Bobber the Water Safety Dog. Special thanks to the US Army Corps of Engineers for educating our students on water safety.

Water Safety.....