21st CCLC-Camp Casey
21st CCLC-Camp Casey
21st CCLC--Camp Casey will be open in the 2024-2025 school year on September 9, 2024.
Please contact Mrs. Carmen Wall to enroll in after school or summer learning. We will be offering After School activities for reading and math intervention, STEAM, character education, health and fitness and more! These will be from 2:45-5:00 pm Monday through Thursday.
Camp Casey After School is open Monday through Friday from 2:45 pm to 5:00 pm. Parents are responsible for either picking students up or enrolling for after school bus transportation home. Please check the calendar for dates that Camp Casey will NOT be open. Fill out the Car Rider form for afterschool if you plan to pick your child up. Enrollment is ongoing throughout the school year, it's never too late to start. All programs are free to Adair County Primary students. Please contact Mrs. Carmen.
21st CCLC-Camp Casey News and Information may be found here. If you have an item of interest or suggestion for this page, please let us know. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Carmen.
For more information, contact 21st CCLC-Camp Casey Director
Carmen Wall, 384-3367 EXT 3180 (leave a message) or send an email to carmen.wall@adair.kyschools.us