Mission Statement
Our mission is to prepare all students with the self-discipline and academic proficiency necessary to be contributing citizens in an ever-changing society.
We Believe:
Students are our highest priority.
Every student, parent and employee shall be accountable for their role.
Students shall have equal access to all available academic opportunities.
The entire community should be integral partners in the educational process.
All individuals shall be treated with dignity, courtesy and respect.
To Promote Student Achievement We Will Strive To:
Provide facilities, equipment, supplies and materials to support student learning.
Provide a safe, secure and healthy learning and working environment.
Identify and communicate the essential standards for each subject and grade level.
Ensure that all students and schools make progress toward academic excellence.
Motivate students to excel in order to maximize their learning.
Provide instruction and programs to meet the individual needs of students.
Train teachers, support staff and administrators to do their jobs effectively.
Reduce any achievement gaps.
Enable accelerated learners to progress at maximum rate.
Celebrate student attendance and success.
Address the counseling needs of students.
Prioritize the District and school budgets to meet the needs of students.
Provide adequate numbers of highly qualified faculty and staff.
Provide nutritional education and opportunities for improved physical fitness.
Increase business participation.
Provide opportunities for students to apply academic skills in real world situations.
Ensure the active engagement of our community.
Provide parent education and involve parents in their children’s education.
Seek, support and encourage open and honest communication to build trust.
Involve those affected by decisions in the decision-making process.
Evaluate and improve the quality and effectiveness of our educational programs.
Create a climate encouraging and supporting creativity and innovation.
Promote the effective use of technology by students and employees