Adair County Preschool Education Program is to provide a quality integrated preschool program for three and four year old children with a child to teacher ratio of 10 students per 1 adult. This allows us to provide continuous instruction for our preschoolers with the correct amount of teacher to student ratio.
The Adair County Preschool classrooms are located at the Adair County Primary Center. Children who are three years old on August of the current school year enrolled in the preschool program will attend class on either a Monday/Wednesday schedule or a Tuesday/Thursday schedule. Children four years old on August 1 of the current school year enrolled in the preschool school program will attend class Monday-Thursday schedule. A child’s bus route and address will determine which schedule he/she will be placed on. Those that are non-transported will be placed according to availability in a classroom. Friday will be a planning/meeting day and home visit/conference day for the preschool teaching staff.
The aim is to help children to develop to their full capacity and to think, feel, share, learn and play with others. This is accomplished by a well-rounded program of guided free play, structured group time, active and quiet play, indoor and outdoor play and special guests.
Preschool will provide early childhood educational experiences to promote the individual child’s physical, emotional, social, intellectual growth and well-being. This will enhance the quality of preschoolers’ lives and help promote kindergarten readiness.
We welcome parents to visit us often and participate in their child’s early childhood experiences. We welcome questions and suggestions and ask that we be given a chance to address any concerns. Through a close relationship between parents and teachers, the children will benefit most from their preschool experiences.
Enrollment Eligibility (Two ways to become eligible)
Eligibility 1
Children who are 3 or 4 years old and have a disability are eligible for enrollment in preschool. The process to determine if your child has a disability is a four step process.
Step 1
Child would participate in preschool screenings, Adair County Preschool uses the Dial Screening. If the screening shows a potential delay, the process would move on to step two.
Step 2
Kentucky System of Intervention (KSI)
Parents would offer two weeks of KSI within the home with the child. At the end of the two week parents would report the results back to the school and move onto step three.
Step 3
ARC Meeting
Parent would attend Admission and Release Meeting (ARC). In the ARC parent would give permission to Adair County Schools to conduct evaluation(s). Evaluation(s) would be scheduled to meet the particular need of the child.
Step 4
ARC Meeting/Placement Meeting
Parents would attend second ARC to discuss results from the evaluation. If student qualifies in regards to Kentucky Depatement of Education Standards, ARC would make placement decision.
Eligibility 2
Children who are four years old by August 1st of current school year and at-risk are eligible for enrollment in preschool. At-risk means a families’ income is below 160% of the poverty level (704 KAR 3:410 Sec 2).