Counselor's Office
The ACHS Counselor's Office is available to assist students with scheduling, career planning, ACT registration, college admissions, the FAFSA, and many other areas. Additionally, students in need of emotional or mental support can speak with a counselor about their social emotional learning needs.
Current Students
Please click here to join the Counselor's Office Google Classroom where you can find a scholarship listing, KEES information, and a variety of other resources.(Code to join the class is x6tngk4.)
Former Students
To request a transcript, please click here to visit the Parchment website.
Mrs. Robin Loy
School Counselor
Mrs. Brittney Faulkner
School Counselor
Mrs. Shanna Darnell
College & Career Counselor
Mr. Tony Just
Employment Specialist
Mrs. Kelly Grant
College Coach